Media Release: MSQ Calls for Schools and Industry Participation in Advanced Manufacturing Gateway Program

By Renee Dickens

3 December 2024

Key Points:

  • Applications for schools now open, program delivery commences in 2025
  • Call for manufacturing employers to participate as industry partners, to showcase career opportunities
  • Program designed to connect students with real-world manufacturing experiences

Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ) is excited to announce that applications are now open for schools to participate in the Advanced Manufacturing stream of the expanded Gateway to Industry Schools Program. This initiative aims to inspire the next generation of manufacturing professionals and secure a skilled workforce for Queensland’s future.

Rebecca Andrews, Chief Executive Officer of Manufacturing Skills Queensland, emphasised the importance of this program.

“We’re calling on Queensland schools to seize this opportunity to introduce their students to the exciting world of advanced manufacturing. By applying to this program, schools can offer their students hands-on experiences and insights into the innovative careers that await them in this dynamic industry.”

The Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project provides students with practical knowledge, industry connections, and clear pathways to careers in this rapidly evolving industry.

“To make this program a success, we need the active involvement of the manufacturing industry,” Andrews continues. “We’re reaching out to employers across Queensland to join us in showcasing the future of manufacturing to young people. Your participation can ignite passion and shape career aspirations.”

MSQ invites manufacturing employers to get involved in various ways:

  1. Hosting industry tours to give students first-hand exposure to modern manufacturing environments
  2. Mentoring educators to enhance their understanding of current industry practices
  3. Participating in school events to share insights about manufacturing careers
  4. Collaborating on projects that bring real-world challenges into the classroom

“By bridging the gap between education and industry, we’re not just preparing students for jobs; we’re inspiring them to become the innovators and leaders who will drive Queensland’s manufacturing sector forward.”

Schools interested in applying for the Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project should prepare for the application process opening in late 2024. Schools who were part of the program in 2024 are invited to reapply. Program delivery will commence in 2025.

Manufacturers keen to showcase their industry and inspire the next generation can register their interest to participate by visiting

About Manufacturing Skills Queensland

Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ) is an independent body supported by the Queensland Government – aiming to build a sustainably skilled workforce for a future-proofed manufacturing industry. Manufacturing Skills Queensland is the host for the Advanced Manufacturing Gateway to Industry Schools project in 2025. For more information about MSQ, visit our website:

About the Gateway to Industry Schools Program

This Gateway to Industry Schools program is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

The Gateway to Industry Schools Program is a key industry engagement strategy for the Queensland Government and aligns with the government’s vision for all Queenslanders to have the skills and opportunities to participate and prosper in the economy. There are 12 industry sectors involved in the Gateway to Industry Schools program. Each project is led by industry organisations which develop and implement tailored school engagement activities in line with their industry’s key skills and workforce priorities. For more information visit the Queensland Department of Trade, Employment and Training’s website:

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