Embedding resilience, creativity, and innovation through diversity

Investment value
$1.55 million

Diversity in the workplace means employing people from a wide range of characteristics, experiences and backgrounds. These programs will support businesses to consider and be better equipped to recruit outside of traditional talent pools, and support effective, ongoing engagement of individuals.

Women in Trades Mentoring Program

The Women in Trades Mentoring Program has been designed as a strategic intervention to improve completion rates of female apprentices in manufacturing. The program will provide intensive support to 100 female apprentices in their first or second year of their manufacturing apprenticeship.

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Programs and resources for business

MSQ will work with peak bodies and organisations representing, First Nations, disability, multicultural, women and veterans; support services, employers, and training organisations to develop programs and resources that support priority cohorts connect with employers for work and training opportunities.

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If you want to join this group, attend as a guest, or register to attend our engagement event series, please fill out the form to submit your interest.

Funding acknowledgement

The Women in Trades Mentoring program is funded by the Queensland Government.

QLD Queensland